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  • 01 Essays: Expository (a.k.a. Explanatory)

Prefect entry point to explore the essay form. The expository essay aims to explain, illustrate, or clarify something in a way that brings a topic to the level of a particular audience of readers. The idea for the writer is to investigate a topic by evaluating the evidence and expounding on the body of available material to describe, explain, and provide key information to those who will find the topic useful or interesting.

  • 02 Editing and Self-Editing Part I
Student will raise their awareness of errors and methods of correction by recognizing flaws in the work of their peers. They will learn the unique challenges of self-editing.
  • 03 Grammar Learning/Review
To be most useful, this building of fundamental skills will be focused mainly on errors that have been revealed in student assignments and testing.
  • 04 Paraphrasing
In this critical skill, students will learn how to condense information provided by a source document or video without introducing their own unwarranted opinions.
  • 05 Essays: Persuasive
The objective of the persuasive essay is to change a way of thinking  or call for action. The skill is often called for in school and it involves long-proven methods grounded in psychology.
  • 06 Structure, Coherence, and Unity
This is an essential organizational discipline that raises writing scores by providing the reader with clarity in a logical, complete, and consistent framework.
  • 07 Editing and Self-Editing Part II
This is the continuation of a complex task requiring multiple sessions which will again: Raise student awareness of errors and methods of correction by recognizing flaws in the ongoing work of their peers. Tackle the unique challenges of self-editing.
  • 08 Essays: Analytical
Students are called upon to read the work of others and find the value and/or flaws of an essayist’s approach to a given task. Has that person been an effective explainer? Has that person been persuasive? In addition to this being a tested skill, it is another effective way to build a student’s awareness of essay tools at his or her disposal.
  • 09 Essays: Responsive
Responsive essays are a particular kind of analytical subset, the  mastery of which has become essential in recent years. The student must render an opinion of the reading material such that he or she can cite relevant examples of points and techniques that inform the student’s opinion. It can allow for agreement or debate with each approach providing scoring criteria.
  • 10 Grammar Learning/Review
Although grammar will be touched upon throughout the course as needed, another full class in grammar will be necessary as it will continue to be focused mainly on errors that have been revealed in student assignments and testing.
  • 11 Essays: Narrative
In the narrative essay, expository writing comes alive in the process  known as show don’t tell. It takes the form of a narrowly defined incident, often a personal one and calls for vivid depiction. This is the closest the essay form comes to creative writing and is often found in article writing. Creative writing requires an entire course to master even the basics because it involves long forms that tell a far more complete and rounded story, but no essay course can be complete without introducing and practicing the narrow version of it.
  • 12 Editing and Self-Editing Part III
Follow on to edit the most recent classwork and build these skill further.
  • 13 Note Taking and Studying Skills
No exploration of academic writing would be complete without raising the level of active classroom content absorption and post-classroom synthesis/solidification of intended learning.
  • 14 Introduction to Reports and College-Style Papers
Students must be prepared for high school and college by starting their report writing at the level demanded of their grade. Here they will learn appropriately basic building blocks of requirements to come.
  • 15 Research and Style Citations
The writing and analysis of an academic paper requires the  application of a uniform set of rules regarding the footnotes that expand upon ideas or point to outside sources. We will go over two of the most popular approaches and demonstrate the level of diligence required to consistently apply the models.
  • 16 Business writing with Charts
This is another peek ahead of a topic so complex that the fundamentals must be introduced as early as elementary school in regard to how to read charts. We will introduce the idea of the executive summary and how to support it in a manner that is useful for next-level analysis.
  • 17 Introduction to Oral Presentations
All students have done some kind of oral presentation at this point.  They must continually improve their efforts in this area and also master the skills needed to present increasingly complex material.


About the Teacher


一如既往, MSA从来不青睐满脸稚气的大学生,无论是哪个藤校的在校生或者毕业生。我们只相信厚积薄发的专业领袖和丰富经验的教育者。


Mr Ben的科幻小说 Wade of Aquitaine,曾连续20周名列亚马逊最畅销小说榜。在学术写作方面,他是学校杂志,科学杂志和教育杂志的主要撰稿人和编辑人,并著有关于如何写作的专业指南书“Today You Write the Book”

他多年从事中学和小学的写作教育,在培养孩子的学术写作( Academic Writing) 和创意写作(Creative Writing)这两个方面都有非常丰富的教学经验。



他曾被纽约商业杂志评为最佳10名科技教育者,自2002年以来他作为美国航空航天局喷气推进实验室太阳系的探索大使( NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador)

他两次获得天空和望远镜奖( Sky & Telescope Award),并因荣获尤尼斯线上科学教育奖(Unisys Prize for Online Science Education)而被美国高级科学协会邀请做科学教育的主题报告。



Details of the Lesson















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